If I had a nickel for every time I heard the question, “So, what do you do, exactly,” I would be a rich woman. Unfortunately, I did not put that nickel in my jar every time I had to answer it. And while I may not be a rich woman, I am a wise woman, who has learned a great deal about how to talk about what I do.
When I say, “business coach,” what do you picture in your mind? Could it be a cheesy motivational speaker in a large hotel conference room with bad coffee and stale donuts? I hope you will continue reading because a business coach can be one of the single best investments you make in your career or business – and we are not cheesy!
It does not matter if you are a business professional looking for a new career, or an entrepreneur struggling to decide on your next move. Sometimes we all struggle to move our business to the next step. Setbacks happen whether it is our own mindset, the dynamics of the team, communication stumbling blocks, the changing work/economic landscape, or simply keeping up with the ever-evolving needs of a client. Because of these setbacks, we can lose sight of what to do next.
All these reasons illustrate the importance of a partnering with a business coach. A business coach reaches right into the heart of you, asks probing questions to guide you through the clutter, and to identify your true desires with your business. They provide advice to help you gain perspective on your situation, business, or career path, and help establish accountability to ensure you meet those goals.
As a business coach, I strive to help you build a new way of living and working that is absolutely suited to your strengths, your needs, and your contributions. I help you unlearn old patterns and beliefs that are getting in the way of your greatest gifts and talents. I believe you are the key to paving the way to success in your work. You are highly visible, highly valuable, and highly impactful. You work hard, and you want to learn and grow. You also want results, and I want to you achieve those results.
I work especially with women in business who know that there is something more for them. Women who want to build on their strengths to create better results professionally and personally. I work with women who understand that heart-centered conversations and hard work open doors to new possibilities.
Well, we all bring something different to the table. On a broad scale, you can expect a business coach to:
● Ask questions and guide you on where you want to go in business.
● Help you gain perspective on your situation, business, or career path.
● Provide accountability for your goals. This is a big one!
But specifically,
● I strive to help you build a new way of living and working that is absolutely suited to your strengths, your needs, and your contributions.
● I help you to unlearn old patterns and beliefs that are getting in the way of your greatest gifts and talents.
● Together we unravel the clunky business operations that slow you down.
● I help you to better understand your strengths, and the strengths of your team, in order to enhance communication and develop an appreciation for everyone’s gifts and talents.
● We create a customized plan that is sustainable beyond coaching.
If you find yourself thinking and thinking until you spin, and then you cannot decide what to do next, business coaching is a great tool for you. In the work that I do with you, we combine a strengths-based mindset with business operations and planning to help you move forward differently than you have before – with more conviction, clarity, and courage. We focus on creating sustainable action so that you can map out what action looks like now, next week, in three months, six months, one year, and even five years and beyond.
Would you like to learn more about business coaching? Join me in creating a customized plan for you that is sustainable beyond coaching so you can accelerate your business and reach your unrealized potential.